Hello Friend,
Thank you for dropping into Just One Reason. I genuinely hope you are ok!
It’s a tough gig being in a space where you need this book! I honestly wish I could take a magic pill just once and never need my own book ever again! Part of writing my book is that I felt I needed a solution to keep myself safe. For me, this is very sustainable long term. Putting my feelings and Just One Reason solution in writing seemed like the best option.
As it turns out, my strategy can help anyone. Even you!
After my book was finally printed and I gave the first copy to my Mum, she revealed even more of her own personal situation to me. I already knew a lot, however, the book opened up even more dialogue than I had ever had with her before. Mum said to me that she wishes a book like this had been available for her when she was in her darkest spaces. To hear this from my Mum, not only pulled on every heartfelt string to feel her pain, it was also the highest compliment my book could ever get!
Since I have started sharing my book, I have been so encouraged by the immediate impact the book is having and how much the conversations have changed within families already. It seems the book is a fabulous way to have a conversation in a space that has for too long been off limits.
This little book gives the reader ‘Hope’! Hope that life will be ok, hope that the reader can use the simple technique contained in this book to keep themselves alive.
One of the biggest powers of my book is the size and format! The books principle purpose is to be a toolkit in your hour of need. Therefore, it stands to reason to make the book practical in size so you can carry it with you 24/7 if you feel the need. A book that gets carried daily also needs to be super strong! After all, if this book is your new fireside friend, you want it to last and last!
I am 100% confident you will get more than enough out of this unique resource and it will serve you very well. Please stay strong and standing upright!
Take care of you!